Friday, August 3, 2012

Close up on the Limited Pink Ribbon fair Nails Hud

Our super-blogger Punkiss has made a big post very detailed with close up pictures ! Perfect to see the textures available in the Limited edition HUD for Pink ribbon Fair !
-Jamman Jewels-

I have to say in all the reviews & blogs I`ve seen leading up to this event, I haven`t seen this item yet. I`m super excited that Jamman has come out with these. I just know with all the Pink Ribbon outfits that everyone will be wearing & buying, everyone will need a set of these! Let me bring you Jamman`s LIMITED EDITION Pink Ribbon Event nail hud. Wait to you see these! I`m going to show you the nails, the hud, & exclusive Pink Ribbon accessories from Jamman, including, rings, necklaces, & bracelets =)

This first picture shows you one of the textures in the Pink Ribbon nail hud, (black nails with the Pink Ribbon) aren`t they gorgeous? !!

In this picture, I`m showing the exclusive Pink Ribbon Bracelets from Jamman Jewels & also his nails =)

Another great texture from this LIMITED EDITION PINK RIBBON NAIL HUD.

Here is the Limited Edition Hud. 10 different colors to choose from, 4 nail sizes, color box to change the color of your rings (ribbon ring included), finger picker to wear ONLY the rings you want to wear, OR none at all and also your choice of 3 different nail lengths! How awesome is this? I hate to say "I told you so" hehe ok, I won`t ;)

Jamman`s Pink Ribbon HUNT PRIZE...isn`t this cute? !!

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